Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Project #2

Chair number two!
Remember this guy?
Why is this chair male, you ask.
No idea. Just is.
With this one I had to use some liquid sander stuff. I don't mind sanding, its kind of therapeutic...kind of... but I don't have a sander, so the liquid stuff works.
Unless you want to restain wood, you probably don't need more than the liquid sander, but don't take my word for it. I'm an amateur.
It removes dirt, grime, grease and the clear coat that would keep the new paint from sticking.
Peeling: not good
Also, there is Liquid Deglosser. I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it works great.
My tools:
TSP (liquid sander stuff), Gloves (cause the liquid sander stuff is no joke!),
Paint brushes to brush on the primer, which I forgot to take a picture of. I used Kilz Original
Oil-Base primer (fyi, use a cheap paint brush to put this stuff on, it doesn't wash out very well and I end up throwing the brush away), and then the spray paint.
Sometimes I like the brushed look and sometimes I like it to be a little smoother. For these chairs, I chose spray paint for a smoother look. Be careful though, it will drip if you spray too much. Its best to do about 3 thin coats. However, if you're impatient (like I am) and you spray it too thick, you can keep a paintbrush close by to wipe up any dripping.
Safety first!
I told you, the liquid sander is no joke!


I kind of like it like this...
After this, I used a staple gun to staple the new fabric over the old cushion, which was my favorite part of this whole project...not sure why.
I like the staple gun.
I have AMAZING brother in laws who helped me screw the cushion back onto the chair and
(still not sure how to spell that)


Done again!

Staged =)
For sale!



  1. Voila=wah-la. And this chair looks amazing!

  2. You did an amazing job! I love the fabric choice!!

  3. You are so awesome Tab! I LOVE this chair!
    I was scrolling through this post and started laughing so hard at the picture of you with the cloth over your face! You are too cute!

    1. Aw, you made me smile =) Thanks!
      ...and Kerrin said the same thing about my pictures. I made these bigger, but they still didn't turn out very big. I will go X-Large next time =)

  4. Make your pictures larger. In the post section, click on each picture and click XLarge

  5. CUTE! If you ever find an old "hope chest" (dunno what they are actually called, but basically a chest that holds photos and such) that you can refinish, I'll totally buy it!

    I almost called you today. We were having staining-our-dresser-woes (me and the kids). But, I Googled it- Next best thing!
