Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I've started a project! About a year ago (I'm somewhat of a procrastinator) I bought a few chairs with the intention of refurbishing them. I'm not particularly good with this kind of thing, but there is only one way to get better, right?

I found one or two at a consignment store and another at Savers (my favorite place to shop these days...however, I have an issue with them as of late. That will be another post) I will post about each chair as I go. I only have one done so far.

The problem with this first chair is, I forgot to take a before picture. Duh.

Here it is already painted...
Before, it was an old wood (not in a good way) color. Someone had already refurbished it once and chose to use stain over paint...I think. That's what it looked like to me. Either way, it was bad. The cushion was a pastel checkered material. Also bad.
I bought some material at Hobby Lobby (LOVE), covered the country checkered stuff and
(is that how you spell that??)

I love the script look that is popular right now. Its so classy and goes with any color you might have in your home. Makes a good accent piece.

Does it sound like I'm trying to sell it? I am. =) The hubs thinks I should start doing this as a kind of a side business. He has given me a little bit of money (sounds like I'm a 5 year old) to purchase things I want to refurbish and then sell. He's excited to see if I can turn his $350 into $600.
Really, he just wants me to make it big in Hollywood so he can quit work and play golf every day. I think he's hoping that if that falls through, I can make it big selling junk I find at yard sales.

Next, this guy.....

I'm excited about this one, mostly because its so ugly, anything I do to it is going to be an improvement!
Yay for projects!!!


  1. Your first chair looks amazing, Tabitha! I love that! I cannot wait to see the rest!


    1. Thank you! I had so much fun doing it =)))

  2. It looks so good Mimzi!

    If you paint the second chair white and recover it with gray material - I will be happy to purchase the second one from you!

    ...are you taking custom orders because I'm pretty sure I just made one :) haha oops!

  3. Great job, looks awesome!
    And in addition to selling, you should teach classes! As a fellow DIY-er, Id totally love a class on that!

    1. I have no doubt that you could do it. You're supermom!! ;)

  4. Oh my gosh I LOVE it!!! If I didn't already have fifty million random chairs sitting around my house I would want to buy it!
