Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A day in the life of this stay at home mom...

I'm new at the whole stay at home mom thing.
I've always wanted to do this for a living.
I'm blessed that I am able to. 
Most days vary.
I have a routine as far as B's schedule - naps, feedings, etc. But what we do in between all of those things, changes every day. Some days we meet other moms for a walk around a park. I clean. I'm learning how to cook, so that's been...interesting. We go grocery shopping. We go to the gym 3 times a week...or at least wear my workout clothes so it looks like I did,
and some days I do laundry...
who am I kidding...
I do laundry every day.
Can someone tell me how one little human can create SO. MUCH. LAUNDRY???

This is just from yesterday... I'm in amazement at this.
I've realized that being a stay at home mom requires a little bit of self motivation. I don't have a boss telling me what I need to do for the day, I have to figure it out on my own or nothing will get done.
Well, technically I do have a boss. He's quite tiny, he smells like cheese by the end of the day because he spits up more food than he eats (neck cheese!), he requires a feeding every 3 to 4 hours, a diaper change and a couple razz's on his belly during wardrobe changes.
My old boss did not require any of these...and he did no smell like cheese.
Aside from all of the mom stuff, I have to plan out my day, or it will pass, I will have been busy, but somehow nothing got done.
So the night before, I plan out my next day.
Last night I decided today was going to be a fun day.
No cleaning, no cooking, no worrying about "the schedule"
Just fun stuff.
So Boog and I met the hubs for lunch. He works kind of far, so this is a rare treat.
 After that, Boog and I did a little shopping at the mall, had some formula, spit most of it up, then it was time to head home for at least one good nap in the crib.
While the boss slept, I pulled out frames and ordered prints from Costco.com
 so the new frames can be filled and I can start hanging things like this...
 ...all over our walls.
Another project, for another day.
Today is especially special because uncle Mick is going to babysit while the hubs and I have a date night!
I do love date night.
That was today. Today was good to us.


  1. I LOVE this post. I used to do the same thing...schedule my day the night before. It always felt good to have a plan. Now I have a weekly schedule because I'm homeschooling (short term).

    It is hard to stay motivated sometimes, but just as you are doing, you have to treat it like a job. Because it is!

    And, hey...the weather is gettinf beautiful. We should go walk around a park before the heat sets in!

  2. Aww, the life of a stay-at-home mom sounds fantastic :)

    1. I will make a note of all the stroller friendly parks so you will know where to walk with your little munchkins someday ;)

  3. Oh my gosh, he's adorable. Being a mom is the best!
