Monday, March 18, 2013

Bulk Trash Day

So, how bad is my writers block?
I was going to write a Product Review post and give a list of some of my favorite things as of late, because there are times when I'm using something and I'm so in love with it that I want to tell everyone about it!
 Then I think, "I should write a product review post and put this in it", but today, none of those things are coming to mind, so I'm going to write about bulk trash instead.
I know, hard to contain the excitement, right?
Well, I wont keep you waiting any longer.
Today Boog and I went for a walk. Talk about the ultimate in multitasking!
I put on my running shoes and a tank top, threw B in his stroller/car seat, stuck a leash on the dog and what do you have? Exercise, a tan, walking the dog AND putting the baby to sleep, ALL AT ONCE!
There should be a certificate, or an award for this kind of multitasking.
As I'm walking I see something strange tucked in between some bushes in the neighbors yard.
What is it?
Some kind of strange palm tree, a bush, a giant alien weed????
 (oh the drama!!)

nope... its a large, old, ugly their front yard....
And people call me a redneck.  
Its ok, the guy down the street has a toilet out front.
There are just some things I would take to the dump myself in order to avoid advertising it to the whole neighborhood.
Anyway, I'm not going to lie, bulk trash week is kind of exciting for me (not because I refurbish toilets...I don't...yet).
I'm a trash picker.
The sad thing is, the only trash I wanted was some chairs this guy threw out, but I wanted to wait until it was less...light out.
...but I was too late. Someone already snatched up the good ones and left this one behind because it was too beat up.
Darn those other trash pickers!!! Getting all the good stuff before me.
Next time I wont wait until dark to loot someone's crap, I'll just grab it when I see it!
In broad daylight!
Yeah, I'm hardcore like that.
Wouldn't want to miss out again.
I had plans for those chairs!!
Moving on.
There was really nothing else of value (still need to search "toilet refurbishing ideas" on Pinterest) just a lot of yard cleanup stuff

Yes, I actually walked my neighborhood taking pictures of peoples trash.
This is the fabulous life I lead.
Don't hate.
This guy wins for most crap collected...
This is how fascinated Boog was with today's blog post
Don't you just love those yummy neck rolls???
Notice how I buckled him in for this stroll through the treacherous terrain that is "Scarlett Canyon" (insert dramatic dare devilish music here)...
Better safe than rolling down the sidewalk with mom chasing behind because she forgot to put the break on when taking pictures of the neighbors junk.
Happy Monday everyone!!!


  1. People must have thought you were some kind of special, taking pictures of trash! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! :)

  2. I was laughing out loud at this post! Did you end up taking those chairs to redo them?
