Friday, January 25, 2013

A look back - Part 1

I feel like I should have started this blog 2 years ago, because that's when life, for me, started to become so very special. I want to share the last two years in this blog, so that in the future, when I read back through it, I will have some of the most important moments documented. So in the next few posts, I will be playing catch-up.

This post will be an introduction to "the hubs".

This guy..
Handsome, right?! Sexy, yes?!

He is the love of my life. He is God's way of showing me His grace is sufficient, that no matter what failures are in our past, with repentance, He will wipe them away and give you a second, third, fourth (you get the point) chance. He is amazing that way.

I thank God for this man every day. He is the perfect balance to my craziness. I am emotional, he is even keel. I am impulsive, he is thoughtful and will take his time to make decisions...sometimes he will take so much time that my impulsive nature wants to choke him out!!!

Its funny, cause I need him to be my opposite, but because he is opposite, he drives me SO CRAZY! I believe this is God's way of sharpening us; giving us someone who challenges us to be a little less, "ourselves" and a little more of what He wants us to be. In my case, patient. Ugh!

Anyway, I'll quit preaching and get on with it.

Todd and I met in a young adults ministry at our church. There is much more to this story, but that is for another time. It will be a much longer post and one I'm not sure I'm ready to get into. Once Todd and I started dating, I pretty much knew this was the man I wanted to spend forever with. I didnt feel worthy of someone like him. I didnt feel like I deserved him, but God thought differently. Makes my heart beat faster just thinking about it. God loves us so much.

I'm so grateful for the life I have with this man. I take advantage of it some days, but today, as I type this out, I'm reminded of how very blessed I am. Nicolas Sparks couldn't have written a better story than the one I live with my husband. Not many people can say that. Its not because we live this ridiculously romantic, flowers and flying doves over our head, perfect love song music playing in the background, kind of story. Its real, hard, wonderful, and perfect, for us.

I know that it will take work to maintain the relationship we have. I know that I will have to, for the rest of my life, continue to better myself, not just expect him to be better. I also know we are both committed to this story, and I feel that we will both work at this for the rest of our lives. I see us being the old couple who still holds hands while walking in the park...or the mall in our case. Its to dang hot here in Phoenix to walk outside!! Especially when you're old!!!

Anyway, we met, fell in love, broke up, got back together (typical), fell even more in love, then, on March 18th (my bests birthday...she's so sweet for sharing her day with us) he asked me to marry him!! On a billboard...yup...a billboard.

I was in a hurry to be married before I turned 30 (don't ask) which was in May... 2 months away!! So, me, my mom, sis and the best, got busy and planned a wedding in 2 months. The best wedding I've ever been to if you ask me.

Some pictures from one of the best days of my life.

                                                               My gorgeous mom... I know, right!?

My sweet little mother in law


My best

Oops, put this picture in twice and cant figure out how to delete it...

Ugh...this one too. I need to figure this blogging thing out!

This is how its done!!


  1. I am so happy you finally started a blog Tab! You will love it. I love being able to document lifes adventures and being able to look back on them.
    You are an amazing writer if I must say so myself!
    Can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you so much Kimberly!! You and Kerrin are the reason I thought I would give it a go ;)

  2. YAY! Loved your post :). I have kept a blog off and on here on blogspot, and it definitely is amazing looking back!!!!

    I had to laugh at the part where you talk about you and Todd being so opposite in some ways- Jason and I are exactly the same! And it's funny how much you need it, yet how much you HATE it at the same time. It really does cause you to grow though. God was very wise (and a little bit of a jokester)when he invented marriage!

    1. God had definitely got a sense of humor!! =)

  3. I'm excited to follow along your journey!

    1. Thank you Olivia! I still check your blog often. I love love love reading about how much you love being a mom. Some of the reason our little guy is sleeping through the night is because of your blog and your advice!! THANK YOU!! ;)

  4. Yay for starting a blog! And you're JUST the person that I would want to start a blog because I just think you're the cutest!! :)
