Friday, March 22, 2013

stripes and denim

This has been a fun week.
On Tuesday I took Boog to his very first swim lesson. He's a natural!
 I think Tuesdays are going to be our new favorite day of the week.
Sorry Friday.
That night I met with one of my closest friends. We both have kiddos now, so I'm afraid time has gotten away from us, and we have not done a very good job at staying in touch.
I hate that.
She has two little girls, one is 3 and the other is 14 months.
For those of you who are like I was before I had kids, that's one year and two months =)  
I always laugh at the parents who still refer to their child's age by month and the kid is almost 7 years old.  
Please, I don't want to have to do the math.
Thank God for Google and their genius math skills.
I am 31 years old...
    or  382 months old
    or  1,662 weeks old
    or  11,636 days old
Never mind. I hate Google.
As I was saying, her daughters are adorable, but for some reason, B didn't particularly like the little one, Aubrey. Every time she would make a loud noise, he would start bawling!
Google said this is common... Is this common??
He did the same thing at swim lessons when we had him face to face with a little girl his age. She didn't make a sound, but out of nowhere he started crying like someone spit in his formula!
I'm guessing this is just a weird phase he will grow out of and in 12 years I'll be wishing he would cry whenever he sees a girl.
I love weekends because the hubs doesn't have to get up and go to work. He gets to hang out with us!
We also have an amazing service at our church this Sunday to kick off Easter.
You can find more info about it here. I recommend it.
Its going to be a good weekend!


Maxi skirt: XI
Tank top: Target
Vest: Ross (or maybe TJ Maxx?)
Shoes: DSW
Bracelet: Gifted
Watch: Gifted



  1. It is always so nice to catch up with friends, and I am definitely starting to realize the importance of it!

  2. That's awesome with the swim lessons, I definitely want to do that with Bowden, I didn't know if there is a certain age they start at?! p.s a lil jealous of your weather, it's suppose to be spring and we have a fire going lol!

    1. The place I take B to starts them pretty young. I want to say just a couple months old. However, there is survival swim training called isr (VERY good if your baby is going to be around a pool a lot...look it up on Youtube. The video is incredible) I think they have to be 6 months to start that.

    2. ...and while I am loving our weather very much, a fireplace sounds really nice too =))

  3. Always love reading your blogs.......Can relate in so many ways! And am digging this cute!!
