Monday, May 20, 2013

Pictures from our weekend and my white on white, completely impractical, outfit

I tell you, this mom thing, its pretty amazing. I know now why people do this. I've always wanted to be a mom, always felt like it was what I was meant for, always dreamt about what it would be like, and you know what? It didn't disappoint. Its all of those things I imagined, and more. My days are better (more work, but better.) Every weekend is more fun, because every weekend B does something new. He discovers a thousand new things, he reveals more of his personality than the week before, he snuggles more, laughs more. He makes my heart skip a beat with every gummy smile.
Oh how I love those gums!

It seems like, to me, he no longer feels like he's in a strange place. He knows that he is home. That I'm mom, Todd is dad, and we are his safe place.

Its the bees knees, this mom stuff.

Here are a few (definitely more than three so that's a lie) pictures from our weekend with the coolest baby ever.
...and if you are friends with me on facebook, you may have already seen most of these. Sorry!
But lets be honest, this baby is worth a second look ;)

 My little (big) brother
  "More of a guideline than an actual rule"

These are the moments I dreamt of
Long day of moving mimi


You can never be too safe when it comes to the AZ sun...


My very good friend, Courtney (you can find her blog here), took some pictures of B and I a few weeks ago. I've been wanting to post them, because I really like the whole white on white thing I've seen so much of lately, but mostly because Court is an amazing photographer and I always love the pictures she takes. I'm always surprised when she sends me the disc of our pictures, because there will be shots that I didn't know she took. She has a way of capturing real moments. Those make for the best pictures.
However, I kept getting distracted by date night posts, anniversary posts, this post - I may have a slight case of blogger ADD - So here are the beautiful pictures taken by my very dear friend and an outfit that is not at all practical when toting around a 7 month old.

Thank you, Courtney. We had so much fun spending time with you. I love you, friend.

Don't you just want to eat him?! I kiss this little guy hundreds of times every single day. I cant stop!
Its a miracle his face isn't chapped.
Do they sell chapstick for your face?
Knit shirt: Target (old)
White skinnies: TJ Maxx (or Marshalls?)
Sandals: Target
Bracelet: Bealls Outlet
Earrings: Gifted
Belt: Kohls
Happy chapped face cause your mom cant stop smothering you!!!


  1. Definitely worth a second cute!! Your cute as well.

  2. Thanks, Libby! And I really did go to Kohls =) They only had one dress left in my size...and I bought it. TOTALLY copied you!
