Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Dresses and my cooking challenge

Some friends of ours were visiting this weekend, and while they were here I talked with them about cooking. This tends to be a topic of choice for me in a lot of occasions due to the fact that I don't cook much and probably should if I want my family to eat something other than Pita Jungle.
Although, I personally could eat Pita Jungle every day and be a happy happy girl.
Chicken lavosh pizza and pita bread with cilantro hummus...and my homemade diet coke of course.(which you can read about here)
I like asking people what they cook, what they keep in their pantry as staple ingredients, etc.
I keep the TV on The Food Network in hopes that while I'm doing things around the house, the information will find its way into my head, subliminally.
When I first started I didn't even have EVOO in my cupboard. Actually, it took me a few episodes of Rachael Ray's cooking show to realize EVOO was extra virgin olive oil.
I tell you this in confidence believing you will not make jokes about my complete lack of domesticity (big word, I know.)
I have a lot of recipes on Pinterest that I think are easy enough for a beginner like me. I managed to make a few without poisoning us or turning the hubs off to my cooking entirely. This is good.
All of this to say, I've decided to start planning out our meals for the week.
I tend to make a grocery list and that list consist of the same exact things, every time. Which means I end up cooking the same exact meals, every single week. The reason is because I'm comfortable with those things. I've tried them. They worked. Its easy. 
So, in order to mix things up, I'm challenging myself to cook something new every week! Monday I'll pick one or two things from my Food board on Pinterest, put the ingredients on my grocery list, and make those dishes! Boom!
First on the list: Spinach Lasagna Roll-ups
(You can find the recipe here)
And now for one of my favorite summer dresses!
Which has absolutely nothing to do with this post.

Dress: H&M
Clutch: Thrifted
Sandals: DSW
Bracelet: Forever 21
Happy grocery shopping!!

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