Monday, June 3, 2013

Why do they even sell scarves in Arizona?

You know those moments, the ones that leave you feeling humbled? Not the kind of humility where the waitress thinks your 25 year old brother is your son (Clearly that women needs her eyes checked to be fired.) I'm talking about the kind of humility where you were able to make a difference in someone's life. Not because of anything you've done yourself, but because God has blessed you with the opportunity and the means.
The hubs and I had one of those moments this week. I was reminded, in this situation, of how incredibly blessed we are, and how much I love my husband and his kind and generous heart.
I'm always amazed at how God works.
I'm also amazed at the fact that I stupidly chose to wear this scarf when the weather was predicted to reach three digits.



Dress: H&M
Vest: TJ Maxx (old)
Scarf: Ross
Converse: Foot Locker
Watch: Target
Happy Monday!!


  1. I love this dress on you! You have such a great figure! Gorgeous!

    1. You just made my day, Kimberly! Thanks girlie!!

  2. You looked adorable Sat and since you were inside I didn't thnk twice abt you wearing a scarf. I do agree with you abt stores selling scarves during summer. When I look at said scarves, I literally begin to sweat and my neck gets sticky! Its just wrong. I will admit tho, that I am envious of friends in other parts of the good ole' USA that sport them with cute outfits all year long! Its the price we pay for having 8 months of lovely weather.

    1. I agree, Ginny. We're lucky to have our 8 months. I'll try not to complain too much about the triple digits when we have them =D

  3. to answer your question in the title of this post... to take them to new york with us! :D

    1. Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! This made me all excited!!

  4. You're adorable, as always! And, hey, I wear long sleeves during the summer. I sort of refuse to let the weather completely dictate what I am going to wear. Ha!

    1. Wearing scarves and long sleeves will be our way of sticking it to the 107 degree weather!! However, keeping a bottle of water close by is probably a good idea ;)

  5. They can sell scarves in ArizonA because we have blonds here
