Thursday, January 24, 2013

I've decided to start a blog...

As I sit here eating my just out of the oven chocolate chip cookies, I am starting my very first blog and having a bit of writers block. I have a feeling this will be common for me, as I am not much of a writer. I decided though, that what I love most about blogs is that they are kind of like a diary, only one that anyone and everyone has access too... Its a place I can write my day to day experiences. The good, the bad... all of it.

What I also love about blogging is that just by simply reading the first line in the previous paragraph, you have most likely concluded that I am one of those, crafty, cook savvy, organized, scrapbooking, super moms who bakes...from scratch!!..........

I'm so not.

As my best friend said, this will be a "what to do, in reverse" blog.

I will blog about my attempts to cook, mostly using a crockpot. I will refurbish furniture to the best of my ability, most likely using a tutorial found on one of those crafty, cook savvy, organized, scrapbooking, supermom's blogs, and I will blog about my experiences as a wife to my practically perfect hubs, and brand new amazingly handsome wonderful son, Brody.

So, here I go! The start to my very own blog/journal/diary.

Now, how do I post pictures on this thing...........

P.S. Toll House cookie dough in a tub makes THE best cookies.


  1. You made cookies!!!! I'm coming over after work!!!!

  2. Your crazy story about the natural bridge is sad because of the way the bridge was taken from him . I know your grandpa owned the bridge because about thirty or more years ago i worked for grandpa Carl at the bridge
