Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Welcome to the casa!

Well, here it is, as requested, a tour of my home!
 I'm excited to show it to you, but I have an older camera so the pictures aren't the best.
I apologize in advance =)

If I could choose to do anything for a living, it would be decorating homes.
I have very eclectic taste, so I like things that don't match, I like texture, I love a room that has character and feels lived in.
I also love affordable design, so I love the diy Network, Pinterest and spray paint =)
My biggest problem is (I have the same problem with my decorating as I do with my clothes) I gravitate towards neutrals.
We took out the awesome (not so awesome at all) teal carpet that was in the house when the hubs bought it, and replaced it with dark stained concrete, which we did (mostly) ourselves! I absolutely love it and its cheap. Score! 
So, here is my eclectic, very neutral, home that I love so much.
This is the room we spend most of our time in. I love this room.
Birds: ugly porcelain knick knacks from Savers, spray painted white
Table: refurbished craigslist find
 This has become a little bit of a catch-all space. I'll figure out what to do with it...one of these days.
The hubs keeps asking what ceFuB (see-fub) means. Nothing! I just like how it looks.
Ugh, men.
Fun fact: the "lantern" on the left, is actually the cage to an old bug zapper.
Screw a drawer knob to the top, stick a candle inside, and voila!
(yes, I cleaned the bug guts off first)
Dining area...in case that wasn't obvious =)

 This is the front living room. I love this room, but we don't use it much. I've never liked houses with two living rooms for this reason.
All of the picture frames on the coffee table are waiting for me to find a home for them somewhere on our walls. 

 This is the hubs work space/office area/place to put his collection of football helmets.
I really love this space, but it doesn't photograph well...or its my old camera and lack of photography skills...

I'm still working on this room, but I do love it. I spent a lot of time in here (and the floor next to the toilet) during my first trimester. Darn that morning sickness!

 I would like to eventually put white stripes on this wall. My intention was not for the headboard to match perfectly with the walls (yep, there's a headboard there...see it now?) Oops.
 I wanted to show this because I'm so excited about it!!
I got the idea off of Pinterest. I was SO sick of my scarves being in my closet, tucked in with my winter hats, and anywhere else I could think to shove them. Now, they're all together and easy to get to! I bought the over the door hanger at Ross for about $8. I have another one hanging on the inside of my entryway closet door for purses, scarves, hats, etc.

 My jewelry.
Bracelet holders: coffee mug racks from savers, spray painted white.
Guest bathroom/B's bathroom 
 Eventually we will update the bathrooms and kitchen. The plan is that I will paint the kitchen cupboards and bathroom cabinets myself... I'll be sure and write about that whole experience so you can all have a good laugh!
Well, that's it! Boog was sleeping in his room when I was taking pictures, and the rest of the rooms, bathrooms and especially kitchen, are not blog worthy at this time.
I hope you enjoyed the tour!
I'm off to B's swim lesson!!!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. I don't think you understand how impressed I am with your stained concrete.. seriously. It looks great in these photos but even more amazing in person! I've told Sean many times about how you and Todd did that yourselves and then I'm like, "We should do that, too!" To which, of course, he responds with a less-than-enthusiastic, "that sounds like a lot of work.." :)

    1. Haha! Thank you, Brittany! I don't blame Sean. Its one of those jobs that sounds huge, especially when you're not a handyman, which Todd is not =) but really, once you're done, you look back and go "eh, that wasn't so bad"

  2. I love your house so so much Tab. You defiantly have a talent for decorating! It' looks somewhat like a model home to me! I have a pre-blogger post of a tour of our home too. Haven't gotten around to uploading the pictures and writing about it. Soon though! Hey...I like that Subway art hanging in your bedroom ;)

    1. Thanks, Kimberly!! I would LOVE to see your home! Please post pictures! And I love my Subway art too ;)
