Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sometimes life is just better in black and white.

There are some weeks where the little things seem to get me...ok, a lot of weeks.
I'm fairly laid back in some areas, and then very not laid back in others. Its been the joy of my husbands existence to figure out which are which. Its like a rollercoaster, huh babe?? Woo-hoo!

Anyway, this week there have been some small things going on that I have let get to me more than necessary (confession #1) Its funny how when one thing gets under your skin, it leaves a trail for everything else to follow, and before you know it, everything (I mean everything) is stressing me out.

I was going to type "I'm over it", but that would be a lie. So I'll just say, the problem has been recognized, I'm addressing it, and maybe by this weekend I will remember and appreciate that my life is full of unbelievable blessings, and these small things that I've given too much of my time and attention to, are blinding me from those blessings, so I need to let them go.
I should know by now that God will take care of everything. He always has.
A friend gave me a much needed verse yesterday:
Matthew 6:33-34
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Meanwhile, I've been enjoying these pictures, which serve as a pretty amazing reminder of one of the biggest blessings in my life. Actually, two if you count my handsome hubs!




  1. oh i love these!!! I love the one where he is sitting on Todd's neck and he's just staring at him. haha so cute! He's starting to look more like you Mimz! :D

    1. Why thank you, Fella! I kind of think so too, but everyone else still says he's identical to Todd. =)

  2. I just love these photos :) Two incredible blessings, right there! What a privilege to be a wife and a mother... Two of the greatest blessings (and responsibilities) a woman can have!

    1. Thank you, Brittany! I have so much fun with my new iphone =))) I'm sure you're loving yours too!!
