Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mint pants and my outfit post confession

There are some days where I feel like I have completely lost my ability to function properly. I cant remember anything....
 I forget to put diapers in the diaper bag (you would think I would have learned after my last experience, which you can read about here), I cant make it ANYWHERE on time (not that I ever did before I had a kid), I forget to RSVP, sometimes I cant remember whether or not I've brushed my teeth that morning, I cant find my shoes, I cant find B's socks, I spend twenty minutes looking for my keys while they sit in the cup holder of the stroller, where I just put them... 20 seconds ago!
Now where's my wallet?
Luckily, I haven't forgotten where I put my son...yet.
Yesterday was one of those days. Entertaining to anyone observing, I'm sure (mom!)
I can only imagine what I'm going to be like with more than one kid.
"Husband, yes, I have a wonderful husband, his name
what was the question?"
Now, before I forget what this post was going to be about, my new mint pants!
(which I may wear every single day I love them so much)
I've decided that wearing them with a black top is probably my favorite, and a little unexpected. I would have never thought of these two together.
Thank you Pinterest.
"Hey lady, face the other way, the lighting is too bright"

Don't tell me what to do.


Back to the giant brick wall.

Tank: H&M
Mint Pants: Bealls Outlet
Wedges: Ross
Sandals: DSW
Belt: Marshalls
Bracelet: Thrifted
Earrings: Gifted from very dear friends,
two of which have an amazing blog which you can find here
And now for my outfit post confession.
There are two different pair of shoes in these pictures, because the wedges are cuter, and the sandals are more comfortable. Sometimes, I post the "cute" version of the outfit, but what I actually wore, is the comfy version of the outfit.

I hope I'm not breaking some kind of blogger commandment.
"thou shalt not post an outfit that thou didst not actually wear"
While this is not necessarily a fashion blog, I haven't had anything of much substance to write about, like my other posts about baby poop and bulk trash...
So in the meantime, I hope you don't mind my outfit posts!
Happy day before Friday!!!


  1. You're such an honest blogger, Tabitha! I think the sandals look just as good as the wedges!

    1. Just let me know when I'm too honest ;) And thank you, they are my favorite sandals, but I LOVE wedges right now and while they are the most comfortable of high heel type shoes, I just hate wearing them. I'm a barefoot kind of girl and sandals are the closest thing =)

  2. Love it! Both the mom moments and the outfit!

    1. Haha! Thank you, Christy! Hope you and your family are doing well...and getting at least SOME sleep ;)

  3. Um, gorgeous. I am in love with those pants.

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I highly recommend colorful pants! =)
