Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thrift store jackets and $5 shoes

This is one of those weeks where I don't have much to say.
I'm not even very excited about this outfit, but I didn't want to go too long without posting something...why you ask?
Couldn't tell ya.
 However, I AM excited about these shoes. The best (you can find her blog here) has a pair similar to these and I love them on her! They are half tennies, half wedge. I don't have a clue what they are actually called. Wedgies? ( immature)
I'm not sure if I can pull them off quite like she does. She has a different kind of style than I do. She is a little more high fashion, and she has the kind of hair that makes even a pair of pajamas look cool. I on the other hand, am not high fashion, and my hair...well, lets just say "grow-out phase"
I cut it super short, loved it so much, but I miss being able to put it up, so I'm going to grow it out a little bit. Lets be honest, I'll never be satisfied with the mop on my head.
Back to the shoes. I found them at Ross the other day. About once a week the hubs and I will eat at a mall that is close to our house as a family date night. Its an outdoor mall, so when the weather is like it is this time of year in AZ, its perfect for strolling little B around. We usually end up walking around Ross (What? Its fun!) and I saw these shoes sitting there, staring at me, calling my name. Really!
I heard them!
I grabbed them, tried them on.... so comfy! I looked, but the price part of the tag had been torn off, so I didn't know how much they were. I thought to myself  "self, you will most likely never wear these because you're a fashion wimp, but if they're under $30 we can get them"
Thank you, self.
I got in line while the hubs and B waited for me by the door. The hubs didn't hate them, but wasn't completely sold on them either. I got to the cash register and told the guy I just wanted to know how much these were before I decided on whether or not I was going to purchase them. He was trying to get a number off of the tag, but half of one of the numbers was ripped. I suggested $5... its worth a try! After looking for another pair in the store, checking his little cheat price book thingy, he kindly took my suggestion of $5.
Yep, five. cinco. cinque. fünf.
(Google translator is awesome)
So now, even if I only wear them this one time, I only paid $5, and they make my closet look just a little more interesting than the flip flops I have all over the place.

Jacket: Thrifted
Tank: H&M
Pants: Ross (old)
Shoes: Ross
No accessories with this outfit...I was too lazy and we were running late for church
Happy Thursday!


  1. I am dying reading this! Wedgies! Brilliant! I will now begin to call them that!
    Tab you can pull off whatever style you want! You just gotta go for it!! :)
    ummm and those shoes!!!! I'm jealous!!! I want them!!!


  2. I cannot believe your shoes were only $5!! Steal!

    1. I know!! You know how you get that shopping high? I left Ross feeling that. =D
