Wednesday, May 22, 2013

This hat is different

I love hats. I love them so much that I buy them all the time. I buy beanie's. I buy big Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's hats. I buy baseball hats. I buy weird furry white hats that have ears (seriously, I did...its cute)
I just love hats.
However, I never wear them. I'll put one on, think it looks good, then right before I walk out the door, insecurity rears its ugly, most likely hatless head, and I take it off. What's worse, I don't have room for hats! Where do you store them? how do you store them? I'm working to organize and find room for them, and for what?
So frustrating.

I love headbands too! The kind girls wear around their forehead. Can't do it. I feel like a dork.

Every time I pick up a hat in a store and try it on, the hubs says "you'll never wear it". He's right.
We made a bet once, he bet that I wouldn't wear this one hat that "I absolutely had to have and would definitely wear".
He won.
I knew I would lose a bet to my husband, and I still couldn't bring myself to walk out the door with the stupid thing on my head!! Pathetic.

I tip my hat to you girls who wear cute head accessories so effortlessly.
(Ha! See what I did there)

I think all the time I've spent on Pinterest, and blogging, has broadened my taste for fashion, and because of it I'm having more fun with my clothes.
Which is how I've justified why this hat is different and why I will most definitely wear this one.

I'm sure of it...



Hat: Target
Shorts: Thrifted
Tank: Forever 21 (old)
Shoes: DSW
Necklace: Forever 21 (old)
Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I just bought a hat just like this one! I love it and I love it on YOU!

  2. Ok, so I kind of do the same thing....not as bad & have definitely never bought a hat with fur & but I do tend to always want hats & then think I'm going to wear them & last minute decide not to. I get it!! But this hat looks super cute on you!
