Monday, June 24, 2013

Wedding planning and my new thrift store find

I have a very sweet sister/friend (she is more of a sister than a friend) who is getting married. She is "that" girl. The one that all the boys fall in love with, want to marry, or are just content to stand in her presents drinking in the perfection that is...well, her.

She has the beauty of an exotic supermodel. She's about has high maintenance as a Maytag washer and dryer (remember the commercials? The repair guy with nothing to do?) She has high moral standards, loves the Lord with her whole heart, has a genuine kindness that you don't find much these days, and, well, you guessed it....I hate her.

Jusssst kidding! I love her with my whole heart. I just wish that she would get an enormous zit on her forehead every once in a while. Is that so wrong??

I have the pleasure of planning this beauty's wedding, and I cant tell you how excited I am! This is my thing! I love decorating, planning, making phone calls, finding good deals...
because $15,000 to $25,000 for a wedding?!?! Are you serious? We're in a recession, people!! Or we just came out of one, or we're heading towards another one... I'm not sure. Either way, that is an insane amount of money to spend on a party. I'm aware its the most important day of your life and blah blah blah, but that's just nuts! Sorry to anyone who spent that on your wedding. I don't mean to offend. I'm just cheap.

I say, spend the money on your honeymoon! I heard someone say, or read somewhere, cant remember, that "the happiest people spend their money on experiences, not things." I love that.
There are definitely things you want to spend money on when it comes to your big day, such as photography, video, etc., but there are also a lot of ways you can cut costs.
My opinion: don't spend $1,000 plus on a huge cake that everyone is simply going to shove in their face, digest, and then....well, you know. I can honestly say, I don't remember what the cakes looked like, or tasted like at the last 2 weddings I went to. Sorry if you're reading this and you're one of those people. I'm sure it was a beautiful cake!

I have planned my share of weddings, two to be exact, and managed to keep the budget below $8,000. My plan is to do it again. Now if I could only get the wedding venue coordinators to stop hanging up on me.

I'm excited to share this project with you over the next 2 months!
Did I mention we're doing this in 2 months?

And now for my new sweater! You may be asking yourselves "what does this have to do with your post?" to which I would say, "nothing, but I didn't have pictures that related to this post, so why not make it a partial outfit post to show off my latest Goodwill find!" Next you might ask, "why is she wearing that thing in the middle of summer in Arizona?" Well, I had a rehearsal and they keep the sanctuary at a comfy 28 degrees, it seems. Hooray for a reason to wear my new sweater!

Anymore questions?

And that's enough of that! It was 107 degrees when we took these!
I'm an idiot.
Sweater: Thrifted
Tank: H&M
Cutoff shorts: Thrifted
Belt: Old
Happy Monday!!


  1. i figured it was "she who will not be named"'s wedding you were planning! Two months! holy cannoli! that's faster than yours!
    I love the sweater! i hate how you find all the good stuff! it's super annoying for those of us who walk into a thrift store and break out in overwhelmed hives.

    and dang girl! you are buff!!!
    xoxo fella

    1. Hives are no excuse! Take a Benadryl and get shopping, fella! Its funnnnn!!

      ...and thank you! I lift an 18 pound weight about 30 times a day.

      4 months until NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I cant wait to see why you come up with for the wedding, specially to see all of your pictures. OMGoodness you look fantastic wearing anything. You are that kind of woman that can wrap a tower around your body and look amazing, I'm so Jealous in a good way. Kimberly and I were taking pictures on Saturday and the sun was getting to be big time. You are amazing, so glad I get to read your post. I LOVE IT!

    1. Thank you, Paola!! You're so sweet! TOO sweet!! But I'll take it =D
