Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back to reality

After weeks of rehearsals followed by a pretty incredible vacation to San Diego, its time to get back to the day to day. Its time to get back to laundry. Other stuff too, but mostly laundry.

Our church had a big 4th of July celebration slash production. I was honored to be a part of it.


As I get older I have more of an appreciation for the sacrifice it took for us to get what we have here in America. The strength and courage it took to get us here and takes to keep us here. Every year we pay tribute to our military by singing "Step In Time" and having the men and women who have served, or are serving in each branch, stand as we applaud them for their service. It doesn't feel like enough. To see the pride on their face as they stand there while their song is being sung, and to see the pride on the faces of their family as they watch them'll give you goose bumps. I want to teach my son to have pride in our country. I want to teach him to respect the courageous people who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. I want to teach him to place his hand over his heart when saying the Pledge of Allegiance. I'm noticing how people don't always do this anymore. I find that sad.

Then there was the vacation. Oh how I love a good vacation. We were invited by some very good friends to join them in San Diego as they celebrate...well, a few things. Its been a long ten years for them, and this trip was their reward for a lot of hard work and sacrifice. They asked if we would join them as they celebrate in beautiful San Diego California, and really, who would say no to such an offer?
The house we stayed at had an incredible view. No seriously. A-mazing.
I don't think B appreciated it as much as he should have. He was busy licking magic marker off of balloons, making himself comfortable in the highchair and trying Spanish rice for the first time. Which he liked.
Our first day was Sea World. Normally we wouldn't have spent the money. Brody is only eight months old, and at eight months old, he's fascinated by the doggy door. Why spend money on a theme park? However, the families we vacationed with have kiddos a little older than B, and Sea World was a must! We decided to tag along and I'm so glad we did! It was fun to watch the kids throw their hands in the air every time Shamu came out of the water. Pure joy.


It was a successful day at Sea World.

We only went to the beach once while we were in Cali. Boog decidedly did not like it very much. Mostly he didn't like the sand in his face. As a new mom, I'm unaware of potential meltdown situations until they actually a baby eating dirt, then rubbing it into his eyes.
Good job, mom.
The rest of my time there was spent consoling a traumatized baby.

Brody wanted so much to be one of the "big boys".  

Group picture time!!
With this many kids and only a camera timer, getting a shot with everyone looking at the same time was next to impossible. Throwing a shoe in the direction of the camera to get the kids to look was pure genius. Kudos to you for that moment of brilliance, Summer!

He's a pretty good vacationer, this guy.
I'm looking forward to our next vacation in San 3 weeks! Yep! We're going again!


  1. Ok, first of all, this year's Celebrate America was the best that I have seen in a LOOONNG time. Amazing. And you were fantastic :) Second, HOW FUN to celebrate life accomplishments with good friends! It looks like you guys had a blast, Tab!

    1. Well thank you, Brittany! I agree, this year was incredible. We have some seriously talented directors at our church!

  2. This last picture is so good, your such s pretty mama & your kiddo is one handsome boy!

    1. You are too sweet, Carly! You're always so encouraging. Thank you so much!!!

  3. What a happy fun family! It looks like you guys had lots of fun! I have to agree with Carly you are unbelievably gorgeous and your little man is so handsome. MY favorite picture is you in the beach with your baby. He has a happy face! My baby Logan hated the beach the first time we took him in FL, but the last time we took him back in December he loved it. He wanted to run all over the place and play with the water. Not to mentioned he was all over the cute girl! You are doing great! I called motherhood an experiment with your first child, you never know what you are missing or you did wrong. I feel exactly the same way.

    1. Thank you so much, Paola! I'm glad to hear that your baby ended up liking the ocean. It gives me hope =) This first time mom stuff is a learning experience, that's for sure!! =)
