Thursday, July 18, 2013

A few confessions from a new mom

I do not like 9 month old poop. Its grosser than 6 month old poop.

I did not buy all new clothes for my very first baby. 90% of his wardrobe is from Savers.
I buy his toys there too.
$15 for a blinking steering wheel that sings and will lose its appeal after 20 seconds. No.
$3.99 for the same toy because another little person played with it first. Yes.

Ever since Boog has been mobile, he tries to get out of his stroller. I usually buckle him in, but this time I didn't. First mistake. The sis and I were browsing through a store when we stopped to admire... something, I don't remember what it was now. Whatever it was, was captivating enough that I didn't notice my nine month old had managed to wiggle free and fall out of his stroller onto the floor, until I hit him with said stroller. Yep. Shining moment. He was crying, of course, wouldn't you be? But he seemed ok. I picked him up, begged for forgiveness, checked all sides of the head to asses any damage and wiped the dirt from the stroller tire off of his shoulder. All good.
Is there a "mom card"? You know, like a man card, only for moms. If so, mine needs punched.
Its a miracle that the first born child survives adolescence under the care of first time parents.


The Ford sticker is an inside joke. We have funny friends.
Happy Thursday and cheers to resilient babies!!



  1. ..............................................................................................................................................................................Bahahahaha!!!!!

  2. Ohhhh Tabitha!! I did the same thing with Selah... except I was sure it was a pile of clothes that I just needed to push thru so I literally ran over her and realized it when I was on the other side!!! Your son is sooooo stinkin' cute!! So happy for you!

    1. Stella!! This made me laugh so hard!! Its good to know I'm no the only one! And thank you so much! I think he's pretty stinkin' cute myself ;D

  3. Got to love new mom moments! I can literally picture this happening! Hahaha!
