Monday, July 15, 2013

My new high-low

I am having the time of my life with this little nine month old. He recently started crawling and pulling himself up. Gone are the days of the worm crawl. It is most definitely a lot more work having a mobile child, but it is also the most fun I've had up to this point. When we first brought him home from the hospital, I would hold him in my arms and watch him sleep. It was the greatest feeling. I would worry that as he got older and bigger, moments wouldn't be as sweet, as fun as when he was so tiny in my arms. I can honestly say, I am having more and more fun with every month that passes. He has the best personality! He is such a sweetheart and he loves to laugh. He cries, he has his moments where I pushed naptime a little too far and he makes sure I pay for it, but for the most part, he is the most pleasant, sweet natured little boy I've ever met (yes I'm partial, so what.)
Pictures taken - two thousand four hundred thirty one... and counting
Videos taken - eighty nine
Giggles - seven hundred sixty seven
Meltdowns - forty seven
Bruises from falling - twelve
Crawling into the sliding glass door - one
With all the hard work that goes into chasing a baby around, picking him up after he topples over every twenty seconds, kissing bumps and bruises (concrete floors and babies don't mix), I think I deserve a new skirt! I found this in the clearance section at Urban Outfitters (not Savers this time ;)



Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Tank: Old
Belt: Kohls
Shoes: The Rack
Clutch: Thrifted
And finally, my big boy!

We have seriously discussed buying this kid a helmet.
Happy Monday!!
No really, I mean that. Mondays can be happy too.


  1. Love: your skirt, that he's only had 1 run-in with the glass door and all of his photos.

    1. Sliding glass DOOR, not window! I need to change that =) And thank you, loverly Britt, you're sweet.

  2. lOVE IT! what are you using to edit your photos?

    1. Afterlight and I use the filter "Glacier"
      I'm kind of obsessed with it. I went back to a lot of old picture and played with it for hours last night =)

    2. oh so you sent them to your phone and then emailed them back after you edited them on your phone?

  3. You are seriously the cutest! I love your style... and your photos look amazing!!

    1. Why thank you, Brittany! You were my inspiration for mixing in a few black and white pics =) I've seen one or two on your blog in the past, and I liked it! =D

  4. p.s. i want your stinkin' lens!
