Monday, April 1, 2013

Our Easter in pictures

This year was a very special Easter for us. It was B's first Easter and although he didn't appreciate his Easter basket and chocolate (which I happily consumed... without sharing), or the family that surrounded him, I very much did.
This Easter was extra special because we had B dedicated at my mother and father in-law's church. My father in-law is a pastor (have I already told you this?) of a small church in Miami Arizona (home of some pretty amazing Mexican food!)
We had B dedicated at our church here in Phoenix, but the in-laws also wanted to dedicate him at their church, which I thought was very special.
So, all decked out in his white satin suite that grandma Lowder bought him, we celebrated Easter and dedicated our son.
Pretty awesome if you ask me.
I may have cried a little.

The Lowders

I love my little family more than words can say.

Get use to it kid.

(my smoking hot mama)

It was a good day!
I hope your Easter was as fabulous as mine!!


  1. oh my gosh i LOVE that last picture of his smile/laugh. so precious!

  2. Thank you, Bree!! Its probably one of my favorite pictures of him right now. Pure bliss =D
