Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Product Review - This thing might just save your life

If you're reading this, and you drink love are addicted to Diet Coke, like I am,
you NEED to keep reading!
I have been addicted to Diet soda (preferably Diet Coke) for over 10 years now. It started out being the only thing my granny (yes, that's what I call her) kept in the house to drink, so I drank it. After time my taste buds began to change. I tell you, its a conspiracy! Because now, the only thing my little tongue bumps want, is Diet.
Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, it doesn't matter, it just needs to tickle my nose when I put the cup to my lips and burn my throat going down. 
Oh how I love that burn.
Pizza, PB&J, a burger... Diet Coke just makes it all taste better.
My mother in law is a sweetheart of a women. She's tiny, but she's mighty. She also has a wealth of wisdom when it comes to, well, many things, but health specifically. Over the years she has spent hours and hours researching natural ways to stay healthy. Her and my father in law are nearing their 70's and neither of them, NEITHER OF THEM, take any kind of prescription medication.
Cyan pepper, fish oil, you name it, they take it, and its amazing how healthy they are.
She has told me how bad Diet Coke is, the affects it has on us. She's even sent me articles about it...
Its comforting to know the mother in law wants me to live a long and healthy life =)
I told the hubs I would stop drinking it when I got pregnant, and I did. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. However, as soon as little B came into the world, it was like my brain knew, "Ok, you can drink it again! Go to the store, buy a 24 pack, put it in you fridge, and drink yourself into early alzheimers!" and I said "ok."
Well, I'm hooked again. I try and drink a lot of water too, but I still have DC for lunch and for dinner.
The shame. 
The more I've learned about the affects Diet Coke has on us, the more I've wanted to quit, for good, not just when there is a bun in the oven. I've learned about how much it affects the function of your brain...I already have a hard time remembering...well, anything! I don't need to help by drinking something that is eventually going to take my memory completely. Seriously, it is believed to cause alzheimers. No thanks.
So, in order to save my memory, and he believes my life (so dramatic), the hubs and B, bought me a SodaStream for mothers day!!
(No, this is not a sponsored blog. I don't have any sponsors. Don't even know how you get 'em.)
Sounds completely unexciting and to be honest, when I first opened it, I thought "there is no way this works, or everyone would be using them in order to keep from slowly poisoning themselves with the yummy goodness of Diet sodas."
But I thought it was so sweet that he is so genuinely concerned for my wellbeing.
He loves me, he really loves me!
So, we put the machine together, luckily it is not at all high-tech, and made ourselves some "Diet Cola". It was surprisingly fast and easy to do.
You guys....it tastes (almost) exactly like Diet Coke! It looks like it, smells like it, bubbles up the side of my cup like it... I literally jumped up and down after the first sip yelling "I'm not going to die now!" 
To this girl, anything close would have been good enough. I don't like tea, I don't like fruity drinks, I don't even like coffee! I don't like to drink my calories (cause I like chocolate way too much and need to save any and all calorie (caloric?) intake for chocolate chip cookies and ice cream) so the only thing I ever drink (EVER) is Diet Coke and water.
Not anymore, people. Not anymore.
My name is Tabitha Lowder, and I no longer drink Diet Coke
...unless I'm at a restaurant and cant bring my SodaStream bottle in with me.
Baby steps.
Here it is.
(Cue the angelic choir)
I'm not claiming this stuff is healthy, or good for you. I just know it has ZERO fructose corn syrup and ZERO aspartame.
Good enough for me. 
Thank you hubs (and Brody) for such an unexpected and perfect mothers day gift.
Happy soda making!!


  1. We have been wanting to get one of these! Do you know where Todd got it? I think we have seen it at Bed Bath and Beyond, but I am sure that Target has it too.

    1. Actually Kimberly, I thought of you when I posted this! Todd got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond, but I'm sure you can order it online, or I wonder if Costco has it?? Bed Bath and Beyond sells the different flavors of soda. You will get a 12 pack of sample sodas with the soda maker, so once you pick you favorite flavors, you can go to BB&B to get the flavor you want. Its $4.99 for a bottle that will flavor 12 liter bottles, which should last you a while. Two of the liter bottle come with the soda maker and you can buy extra at BB&B. Guess that answered you question...and then some. haha!

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