Monday, July 22, 2013

Mildly OCD

I offered to let my sis borrow two of my necklaces, only to realize it would mess up the balance on my necklace board. I don't think I can let her borrow them unless I find replacements.

I rarely take the tags off of my home décor purchases. This may be due to laziness rather than an actual disorder. But seriously, some things still have tags on them from over a year ago.

I get so annoyed with the cashier at Wal-Mart when after all that effort I put into organizing the groceries on the conveyer belt thingy - cold food, dry food, canned food, non food items, etc. - she then bags it all together? Why would you bag a can of tomato paste with the dental floss? Whyyyy??

And now for some pics from my weekend!


Originally this was going to be an outfit post showing off my new white dress, but I just couldn't get in the mood. I am not a model, nor do I aspire to be one. I hate posing for these.
Ok, obviously I like it a little, cause I do it, but I also hate it. Its a love hate. On this day, I hated it, so this was the outcome of our outfit post photo shoot. I think they're my favorite outfit post pictures to date. Seriously.

There has got to be an easier way

This sexy guy loved him some frozen yogurt this weekend. And some homemade ice cream.
That time of the month, babe?

Everyone has a feet picture. I needed one. Here it is. You're welcome.

Moms can have fun at bath time too.

 New stroller!!!
Sorry Boog, I call shotgun!


The cute factor here is off the charts.
Is it Monday again? Wow.
Happy Monday!
Even though it feels like Monday just happened a couple of days ago.


  1. i'd like to call the top rigth photo, your Michael Jackson pose!

    Love this post! :D
    xoxo fella

  2. TOO CUTE Tab! I just lerve all the photos, they are my favorite to date too!

    1. THANK YOU!! I've been meaning to comment on Farty Arty... Made me laugh!! all of your posts do.

  3. Please do more posts like this one more often. Thats it.

  4. I can hear you saying this.. comedic pauses and all!! You crack me up, sister!

    1. Comedic timing is everything, right? Just ask your mama and Larry. Two of the funniest people I've ever met!! ;)

  5. I honestly prefer posts like this to someone forcing to look like I want to be a model. It shows off your personality, SUPER FUN MOM< WIFE<A SIMPLE FUN gal that everyone wants to be around. That white dress looks gorgeous on you! I love your blog

    x.o.x Paola from
