Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kindness And My Home Away From Home

Where is my "home away from home" you ask?
Or is it Supercenter? Either way, I do find it to be super.
The hubs makes fun of me for this all the time.
Say what you will about the COMPLETE lack of etiquette and pajama wearing redneck types that shop there. The convenience of getting everything I need (except produce...don't buy the produce!) in one stop, is well worth the sites and sounds that may come with shopping there.
I'm from a really small town and growing up, the only, ONLY, place to shop, was walmart.
I guess there is a little bit of nostalgia in it for me.
Anyway, I made my weekly run and was pleasantly surprised by how kind people were. Not that they are typically unfriendly, but today I experienced what I felt was a more than usual amount of kindness.
First, a women offered to watch Brody so that I could use the restroom. The large stall was occupied, so I had to wait, she noticed this and offered to watch him for me. So nice.
No, she was no wearing pajama bottoms and her underwear were not peaking out of the top of her pants. She was very kind and I appreciated the offer.
Second, I was loading my car after I had finished my shopping, when an older man noticed the car seat and my full cart of groceries and offered to help with loading everything into my car.
(and no, he did not have a mullet)
I was so moved by the kindness of these two that it inspired me to blog about it.
It also challenged me to take notice of people around me.
Its so easy to get caught up in my own little world.


  1. Awe! How nice!!!

    Blog about the poop story! Blog about the poop story!!! :)

  2. Haha! OK, I will blog about the poop story =D

  3. Oh YES! Blog about the poop story!!
    Good call Kerrin!
