Thursday, May 9, 2013

The lazy womans DIY project

"Laziness is the father of ingenuity"
I think I heard that somewhere once. Or I just made it up because I'm lazy and this makes laziness sound like a positive thing... but I'm pretty sure I heard it somewhere... I'm too lazy to Google it and find out for sure.
This morning I decided I needed to organize my necklaces. There are always cute ideas on Pinterest, so I've had things laying around the house that I have collected over time, with this project in mind. The corkboard is one such item. I'm pretty sure someone gave it to me (free is always good) because it had this huge gash in the middle of it. It needed some plastic surgery.
Just call me Dr. Lowder.
...or doc.
I had some leftover material from some other DIY projects, so this lazy DIYer decided, instead of replacing the cork in the board, or figuring out how to take the whole thing apart to cover the cork with material (which was my original plan), I went the easy route, cut squares of the material, and just covered the ugly spot with said material!

What I used.
Complicated, I know.

The outcome!

Because I have a new camera and its fun to take pictures.

And I hung it all by my little ol' self.

Then this guy woke up from his nap.
Don't you just love the facial expressions this kid has!! 
Happy turning junk into something purty!!


  1. you know what B is saying in this picture?! "ahhhh poop! now mom has one of those black thingy's"

    poor kid! Between you, me and Courtney, every second of his life will be documented! haha

    xoxo fella

  2. Very, very lovely!! I need some cute necklaces like that. And oh his precious expression - that is adorable!
