Monday, May 6, 2013

What I wore for the rodeo we didnt go to

May is a very big month for me. Its my birthday month, the hubs and my anniversary, and now, thanks to B, I get to celebrate mothers day! I'm a mommy now! This will be my first...actually, my second because I made the hubs celebrate mothers and fathers day while I was pregnant...cause that counts too!!
To all the unmarried ladies out there, can I just say one thing? Marry a kind man. Someone who is kind to strangers, kind to his friends and most importantly, kind to his family. All of that translates into a man who will be kind to his wife and kids. I married the kindest man I've ever met and while our marriage isn't perfect, its closer to it than I ever thought possible.
This kind man that I married (2) years ago, decided to surprise me for our anniversary. He informed me on Friday that my mom would be here on Saturday to stay with B, while he and I drove to Prescott for a little thrift store shopping (seriously, this man knows the way to my heart) and a rodeo! Although the hubs and I are not typically rodeo goers, who doesn't love a good rodeo? Plus, there was going to be a dance afterwards, and there are never enough opportunities to dance with your husband, so I was really excited!
We left early Saturday afternoon, hit a few thrift stores, scored on some very cool merchandise, then headed to the rodeo. It was packed! There were people filing in from everywhere!!
Except us.
We were not filing, we were sitting off to the side waiting for the guy who was supposed to leave us tickets to return our text message...he never did. 
We decided to stop at a nearby restaurant, and drown our disappointment in buffalo wings. Afterwards, we stopped at a Goodwill right by our hotel and purchased......rollerblades.
Didn't see that coming, did ya?!
We took them back to our hotel, I was giddy about it, and right there in the hotel parking lot, my best friend, lover and father of my child, spent the night rollerblading with me.
I just love that man.
I will admit, we missed B a, missed him so much we watched videos of him on our phone at dinner. Romantic, right?
However, as much as we missed him, the hubs and I really enjoyed our time alone together, and will try to make quality time like this, a quarterly thing. I think its vital to a marriage, especially after having kids. Life really does become all about them (I'm learning), and if we don't take time for our marriage, it will start to suffer.
I loved spending time with my husband this weekend, remembering why he is my best friend, and why I chose to marry him.
The hubs played photographer for me and took some outfit pictures.
Can I just say... this guy is good! I had no idea he had such an eye for photography!
I'm no professional, and yes, I'm a little partial, but seriously, he's good!

He looks happy, doesn't he?


Vest: Ross
Beatles screen T: Thrifted
Cut off shorts: Thrifted
Boots: Thrifted
Earrings: Target
Sunnies: American Eagle (old)
Tip: if you find a shirt you like, but you want it to look more "broken in", take sandpaper to the screen print area and it takes away the shiny plastic-y feeling, and gives the shirt a more vintage look. I tried it on this shirt and I was really happy with the outcome.
I hope you all had a good weekend too!
Here's to Monday!


  1. AHHHHH! I love these photos Tab! You look so AMAZING!!

    1. AHHHHH! Thank you Kimberly! =) I just love your encouraging words!! I think I will be visiting the office next week... cant wait to see you girls!!

  2. Glad you guys made the best out of what happened, your rollerblading part was awesome I love that! I'm so with you on missing the lil guy on dates, it's definitely different!

    1. Its so different! I love the dynamic of the three of us together. Our little family... but it really was nice to be just Todd and I for a couple of days.

  3. we need to go thrifting asap. i want to get some vintage band tshirts. LOVE this look by the way!!

